GnRH Neurons: Gene to Behavior

GnRH Book Edited by Ishwar S. Parhar and Yasuo Sakuma,
Department of physiology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan
Published by Brain Shuppan Publishing, Tokyo, September 1997
ISBN 4-89242-104-5
486 pages, 19,000 yen plus sales tax for residents in Japan

Contributing authors are world leaders in the field.
Links evolution, physiology, and the role of GnRH in reproductive behavior.
Offers the reader with comparative information covering "from fish to human.
"...this monograph provides a wealth of information on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The book begins with introductory chapters on the evolution of GnRH molecules and their receptors. The main portion of the book consists of comprehensive descriptions of various components of the GnRH system arranged along a phylogenic scale. Discussions include the ontogeny and migration of GnRH subtype neurons, environmental and hormonal regulation of GnRH neurons and GT-1 cells. Throughout the book, the role of GnRH in reproductive behavior is emphasized. This volume should be stimulating for beginners and specialists alike, as well as for scientists from other disciplines who are interested in comparative neuroendocrinology in general".
Contents :
Part 1: GnRH molecules and receptors
Part 2: Ontogeny and distribution
Part 3: Cellular and molecular physiology
Part 4: Clinical implications
Contributing authors:
N.M. SHERWOOD, Univ of Victoria, Canada; S.A. SOWER, Univ of New Hampshire, USA; J.A. KING and R.P. MILLAR, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa; L. JENNES, Univ of Kentucky, USA; I.S. Parhar, Nippon Medical School, Japan; L. DEMSKI, The Univ. of South Florida, USA; L.E. MUSKE, Franklin and Marshall College, USA; Y. ARAI, Juntendo Univ, Japan; E. TERASAWA, Univ of Wisconsin, USA; M. SCHWANZEL-FUKUDA, The Rockefeller Univ, USA; Y. OKA, Univ of Tokyo, Japan; R.E. PETER, Univ of Alberta, Canada; K-L. YU, Univ of Hong Kong; M. KOBAYASHI and K. AIDA, Univ of Tokyo, Japan; G.F. BALL, The Johns Hopkins Univ, USA; T.P. HAHN, Princeton Univ, USA; E.F. RISSMAN, Univ of Virginia, USA; J.C. PFAUS; Concordia Univ, Canada; Y. SAKUMA, Nippon Medical School, Japan; S. SUGA, Hirosaki Univ, Japan; K.J. KIM, Seoul National Univ, Korea; B. ATTARDI and D.W. PFAFF, The Rockefeller Univ, USA; P.S. TSAI, and R.I. WEINER, Univ California, USA; H. MINAGUCHI and T. UEMURA, Yokohama City Univ, Japan.
Brain Shuppan Publishing Co. Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan
Fax +81-3-3292-8534

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